Chris Walsh Counselling

Chris Walsh Counselling
Data Protection Privacy Statement

This statement sets out the information I hold on clients, how long it is kept, and your right of access to that information.

The information I hold and record is for counselling and therapeutic purposes only, and as part of my own professional development, client practice, and confidential supervision. It is a brief outline/summary of session content and process. It is not a verbatim record of sessions nor is it a record of evidence.

I am the Data Controller and none of your information is sold or used for any marketing purpose.

The information I hold on clients falls into four categories:

Clients Agreement to Counselling
These forms are your agreements to begin counselling and contain your contact details and signature. These are destroyed six years after counselling ends.

Process Notes from Client Sessions
These are paper notes I make during sessions to remember any relevant or significant items. These notes are destroyed one month after counselling ends.

Client Records
These are my client records and are brief summaries of each client session. These Word files are deleted six years after counselling ends.

Electronic Contact and Communication
This is all the electronic communication I have with clients during the duration of their counselling. This includes phone logs, emails, or texts, accessed through my smartphone or tablet. You are listed as First Name and phone number or by the email address you used to contact me. Emails are deleted one month after counselling ends and phone records two months after counselling ends.

You have a right:
To access your data,
To request correction or erasure in certain circumstances,
To request limiting or ceasing data processing where applicable,
To compensation for substantial damage or distress caused by data processing.

Copies of Individual client records are available if requested.

Couple client records can be view by either party but copies will only be available if both parties agree to them being released.

Client data may be appropriately shared:
If there is an immediate risk of substantial harm to self or others,
Under legal requirement, such as in cases of terrorism, child protection or drug money laundering,
When officially requested by Police or Court under an appropriate court order or instruction.

Chris Walsh Counselling
May 2018

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